About us

The PPLC is a neutral forum for exploring complex cross system issues which impact public service mental health services and its recipients. It is a partnership of groups which otherwise do not meet regularly. Clinicians, providers, managed care companies, state and county government representatives, academia, families and individuals in treatment, all joining together around common goals. The PPLC services as a consultant to state and local health care agencies and continues to present pertinent issues around the topics of community based behavioral health care to its membership.

The PPLC has also worked diligently, as a change agent, to increase public service psychiatry in the state, and has been the convener of three Centers of Excellence in public service psychiatry, and developed psychiatric fellowships as a primary initiative for the organization.

Since its founding 8 years ago, PPLC has:

Worked with policy leaders in government, practice, education, and business to address key issues impacting public sector behavioral health programs. Some of these approaches include:

  • University of  Pennsylvania
  • Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC)
  • WPIC-Rural
  • More than 70% of COE Fellows have stayed in our state and now work in the public sector in either rural or underserved areas

Overseen the training of over 45 public service psychiatrists through three Centers of Excellence:

  • Conferences
  • Engaging government leaders and policy leaders through our meetings and other policy initiatives
  • Ongoing engagement through our listserve
  • Violence and behavioral health
  • Integrating behavioral and public health for improved patient outcomes adding recovery to good practice

Promoted in-depth dialogues among stakeholders on current issues through quarterly meetings:

  • Violence and behavioral health
  • Integrating behavioral and public health for improved outcomes
  • Promoting recovery oriented practice
  • The Opioid Epidemic
  • Introducing Peer Navigators: Embedding Peer Recovery Support in Acute Care S